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The Excel Centre
Dr. Keith To's Program

We do not train, we develop people!
We do not help you, you help yourself to make more people helping themselves!

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催眠治療課程 Hypnosis Training Programs / Courses offered by the Excel Centre & Dr. Keith To in Hong Kong:NLP | Neuro-Linguistic Programming | Hypnosis | Hypnotherapy | Body Mind Therapy | Influencing | Persuasion | Communication | Personal Development | 身心語言程序學 | 催眠 | 催眠治療學 | 個人發展教練 | 說服學 | 溝通 | 個人發展

NLP Practitioner | Master NLP Practitioner | Certified Hypnotherapist | Master Hypnotherapist | 身心語言程序學執行師 | 高階身心語言程序學執行師 | 註冊催眠治療師 | 高階註冊催眠治療師