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Excel Centre
Dr. Keith To's
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train, we develop!
We do not help you, we help you
to help more others helping themselves!
Associate Facilitator Designation Program 2013
第七年度 第五屆 協和輔引師證書課程
The Only Systematic Facilitation Training Program in Hong Kong

Once again, I am
bringing you a new, useful and exciting designation to add to your
qualification - the Associate Facilitator Designation.
You can gain the Associate Facilitator
Designation (協和輔引師) without leaving Hong Kong, or Asia. First time in
Facilitation is the art and techniques of making things
& processes easier and faster. You will be trained to facilitate major processes in
any organization. At the same time, you will also understand how to do it in an one-to-one manner with any person.
This is going to
be a co-operative program with the FacilitatorU, a well-known school of facilitation
training in the U.S. that trains you to become a facilitator. You are
going to learn all the skills needed to facilitate ideas generation,
conflict resolution, decision making and various kinds of meetings &
activities in organizations.
Upon graduation, you can then move to
Step 2, the final step of your Certification Process to earn yourself the even higher
level Certified Facilitator Designation.
Your AF
Designation will be issued by the world's most well-known school in the facilitation field, the FacilitatorU! (a
small once-off registration fee of US$80 if you want the designation from
輔引學參考資料-12 Principles of Process Facilitation (正在完成中)
are going to
You are going to learn a total of
120 different kinds of Facilitation Skills & Concpets.
1. The Process
Facilitation Process 流程輔引流程: You have a map to follow through during any
facilitation session and you will never be not knowing what to do

2. The
Facilitation Basics 輔引基礎:
- What is Facilitation?
- What does a Facilitator do?
- What does a Facilitator Believe?
- What kinds of jobs does a Facilitator
- Process & Content
- Neutrality vs Assertiveness
- Best Practices of a Facilitator
- Process Facilitation vs Developmental
- Facilitation Competencies Matrix
- Differences between Coaching &
3. Principle 1 of Facilitation: Preparation –
Creating Base of Successful Facilitation
輔引學第一原理:準備 – 確立成功輔引基礎
- Charting New Team
- Planning Meetings
- Meeting Agenda
- Meeting Room Design
- Meeting Space Management
- Contracting Clients
- Diagnosing Problem/Situation
- Group Assessment
- Group Boundary
- Logistics Arrangement
Principle 2 of Facilitation: Opening – A Good Start is a Good Facilitation Session
輔引學第二原理:啟動 – 好的開始等於好的輔引
- Contracting Participants
- Building Trust
- Establish Ground Rules
- Introducing Yourself
- Clarifying Roles
- Review Agenda
- Break the Ice
- Clarifying the Topics
- Opening First Session
- Opening Subsequent Sessions
5. Principle 3 of Facilitation: Questioning –
Good Question Invokes Great Thinking
輔引學第三原理:發問 – 發問引發思維
- Probing Question
- Naive Question
- Meta-process Question
- Rhetorical Question
- Fact-Finding Question
- Feeling-Finding Question
- Desire-Finding Question
- Indirect Question
- Facilitative Questioning Do’s & Don’t’s
- Paraphrasing
6. Principle 4 of Facilitation: Generating Ideas – More Points
of View, More Ideas, More Points of View
輔引學第四原理:意念 – 越多觀點、越多意念、越多觀點
- Brainstorming
- Brainstorming – Assumptions
- Segmented Brainstorming
- Anonymous Alternative Generation
- Be Someone Else
- Idea Party
- Guided Imagery
- Visioning
- Sequential Questioning
- Gap Analysis
7. Principle 5 of Facilitation: Recording – Out of Sight, Out
of Mind!
輔引學第五原理:記錄 – 看得見,忘不了
- Keyword Writing
- Complete Phrasing
- Talk & Write Simultaneously
- Moving Around
- Posting Flipcharts
- Ownership of Flipcharts
- Facilitator or Participants?
- Markerology
- Advanced Tearing
- Correction
- Basic Graphics for Facilitators
8. Principle 6 of Facilitation: Full Participation – More
Participation, More Ideas!
輔引學第六原理:參與 – 越多參與、越多意念
- Create Buy-In
- Eye Contact
- Using Fun
in Facilitation
- Participation of Leaders
- Facilitating Participants to Prepare
- Seek Organizational Support
- Issues & Answers
- Pass the Envelop
- Talk Around
- Peer & Self Review
9. Principle 7 of Facilitation: Energizing the
輔引學第七原理:激發 – 能量啟動團隊
- Breaks
- Learning & Calling Names
- Energy Check
- Energetic Pace
- Resetting After Breaks
- Recharging Activities
- Brainteasers
- Involving & Moving People
- Using Music
- Facilitator as Energizer
10. Principle 8 of Facilitation: Conflicts
Resolution – Conflicts are Good!
輔引學第八原理:矛盾 – 矛盾是好的!
- Pinpointing Conflicts
- Benefits of Conflicts
- Position vs Interest
- “And”
- Surfacing Values Difference
- Seek First to Understand
- Debate vs Argument
- Facilitating Venting of Emotions
- Resolving Issues
- Identify Options for Handling
11. Principle
9 of Facilitation: Decision Making – Bigger the Group, Less Decisive They are!
輔引學第九原理:決策 – 越大團體、越難決定
- Absolute Consensus Decision
- Consultative Decision
- Consultative Consensus Decision
- Modified Consensus Decision
- Spontaneous Agreement
- One Person Decision
- Compromise
- Decision Grid Analysis
- Random Discussion
- Check Assumptions
12. Principle 10 of Facilitation: Closing – Closing is a new
輔引學第十原理:完結 – 完結是另一個新的開始
- Review Purposes
- Partial Close
- Participants Evaluation
- Time Extension
- Review Activities
- Closing Ongoing Sessions
- Closing Last Session
- Debriefing with Planning Team
- Document Session Results
- Self Evaluation of Facilitators
13. Self Mastery of Facilitators 自我掌控
- Be Real
- See the Façade
- Be Here Now
- The Process is Yours, the Products is
- Emotional Mastery
- Take Care of Yourself
- Celebrate Progress & Success
- Unstuck Yourself
- Why are You a Facilitator?
- Operating from Centre
Assessment: To ensure
high quality of the Associate Facilitator Designation,
one needs to go through both the written and practical assessments upon
graduation. A short project is also required as part of the assessment.
Dates & Time: Nov 2013
& Organizer: St. James Settlement, Wanchai
& Enquiry: 2835-4394 Richard Fung of St. James Settlement
Enquiry for Program
Content: Email Us
Course Fee: HK$4,800 + Assessment Fee HK$800
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Facilitation | Personal Development | Business Development | Creativity | 輔引學| 個人發展 | 商業發展 | 創意 | Associate Facilitator | Certifed Facilitator | 輔引師 | 協和輔引師 | 認證輔引師